NC Private:  green map pin  NC Community College: blue map pin  NC Public 4 Year: purple map pin


Click a map pin on the map above to find contact information for the financial aid office of each campus along with general campus information. You may also click on the icon at the top left of the map to view a side menu of all the colleges by name. You do not have to be attending a campus to receive financial aid assistance.

191016 AB CFNC 1972 Guilford F
Fill Out The FAFSA

Get started on your FAFSA as soon as possible on or after October 1!

FAFSA Application
191016 AB CFNC 4600 Greensborocol MC F
More Free FAFSA Assistance

Contact the Federal Student Aid Information Center for expert financial aid support at a time that is convenient for you. 

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